The average house price on HADDON PLACE is £177,728
The most expensive house in the street is 9 HADDON PLACE with an estimated value of £239,172
The cheapest house in the street is 3 HADDON PLACE with an estimated value of £150,786
The house which was most recently sold was 8 HADDON PLACE, this sold on 24 Feb 2020 for £170,000
The postcode for HADDON PLACE is TF4 2BT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 HADDON PLACE Semi-Detached £155,335 £118,000 16 Jan 2017
2 HADDON PLACE Terraced £187,179 £110,000 12 Oct 2006
3 HADDON PLACE Terraced £150,786 £120,000 25 May 2018
5 HADDON PLACE Terraced £159,313 £128,000 3 Jun 2019
6 HADDON PLACE Terraced £167,738 £135,000 12 Jul 2019
7 HADDON PLACE Terraced £152,773 £117,000 3 Mar 2017
8 HADDON PLACE Semi-Detached £209,533 £170,000 24 Feb 2020
9 HADDON PLACE Semi-Detached £239,172 £70,000 15 Jun 2001